Uploading files from your PC

Uploading files from your PC

The Direct Upload submission method is used to submit files that exist electronically on your computer (such as scanned or downloaded documents).

To access the Direct Upload submission screen, click ‘Add Items’ and then select whether you’d like to upload your document(s) to the Costs, Sales or Bank workspace of your account.

Click ‘Upload’. You’ll see this screen:

To upload files, complete the following:

1.       Select what type of file you’re uploading (whether this is a single transaction or multiple transactions - this is explained in more depth below)

2.       Select which Account User owns the file(s) being uploaded (this will only appear if you're working on a multi-user account).

3.       Choose your file(s), or drag-and-drop them onto the green platform.

The documents will then be extracted and presented in the Inbox.

Which file type should I choose?
Is your image file made up of ONE or MULTIPLE transaction(s)?

ONE transaction: Click ‘Single item files and ZIP files’. This will consider all pages of the image file as a single transaction. You can also use this setting for ZIP files containing multiple single-transaction documents.

MULTIPLE transactions: Click ‘Multiple item PDFs’. This will divide each individual page of the image file and consider them all as separate transactions.

Please make sure you are uploading items as one of our supported file types (JPG, PNG, GIF, BMP, TIFF, PDF, .zip files with images, DOC, DOCX, ODT, and RTF).

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