Removing a Staff Member from Multiple Jobs

Removing a Staff Member from Multiple Jobs

To remove a staff member from multiple jobs:

  1. In the Jobs menu, select Jobs > Options > Remove Staff.
  2. On the Remove Staff from Jobs screen, select the staff member from the Remove drop-down list.
  3. Next.
  4. Select the jobs that you wish to remove the staff member from.
  5. Save your changes. A message is displayed:
    • confirming that the staff member has been removed from the selected jobs, or
    • listing the jobs that the staff member cannot be removed from.

      It is not possible to remove a staff member from a job when:

      • they have been allocated time towards a task in that job, and
      • one or more other staff have also been allocated time towards that task.

      This is because the total time allocated to staff must always equal the total estimated time for the task. For example, two staff are each allocated 10 hours to complete a task. The total estimated time for the task must be 20 hours. If you try to remove one staff member, the total estimated time (20 hours) would no longer be the same as the time allocated to the remaining staff member (10 hours).

      To resolve this issue, simply zero the time allocation to the staff member you wish to remove before you try to remove them from the job.

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