Product Field Descriptions for Importing Products

This is a detail list of all the fields that can be imported into Dear Systems in relation to Products and what they get used for by Dear Systems as well:

Required Fields

Each Product is identified by a unique ProductCode.

ProductCode Product SKU. Each product must have a unique SKU.
Name Product Name of the product the customers and suppliers will see on the generated documents.
CostingMethod The costing method applied to the product. Valid values are FIFOFIFO - Serial NumberFIFO - BatchFEFO - Serial NumberFEFO - BatchSpecial - Serial NumberSpecial - Batch. The meaning and differences in costing methods are explained here.
Optional fields 
You can fill in an optional field if you have them
Category Product category. Split your products into categories for reporting purposes. If left empty then Other category will be assigned.
Brand Product brand. Assign brands for your products for reporting purposes.
Type Product type. Tells DEAR if the product is a stock item, a service or a fixed asset. Valid values are StockService and Fixed Asset. If left empty then Stock type is used by default. Services can only be added in the 'Additional Charges' section of bills/invoices and are not tracking on-hand quantities.
FixedAssetType Specifies a Fixed Asset Type for fixed assets, this field is required for fixed asset only and should be empty for other types of products.
Length Specifies the product length dimension.
Width Specifies the product width dimension.
Height Specifies the product height dimension.
Weight Specifies product weight.
WeightUnits Specifies weight units. Default weight units for an organisation assumed when no value is provided.
DimensionUnits Specifies dimension units. Default dimension units for an organisation assumed when no value is provided.
Barcode Product barcode value. One of the fields used to search the product via scanning while stocktaking, selling, picking and packing.
MinimumBeforeReorder The minimum threshold of the available product quantity for the product to appear on Reorder stock form as well as low level/reorder stock reports.
ReorderQuantity Quantity of the product to reorder by default via the Reorder Stock form. Can be manually changed on the Reorder Stock form as well as any particular purchase order. Has no effect on the Reorder Backordered stock function.
DefaultLocation The default location to allocate the sold/not picked stock of the product at. Only used to allocate stock by pending eCommerce sale orders when no specific location is selected for that eCommerce sale channel. Must be created in Locations reference books prior to importing an inventory list.
LastSuppliedBy Supplier Name you want to associate with this product. Fields SupplierProductCode, SupplierProductName, SupplierFixedPrice and AverageCost will be applied to this product-supplier entry. Having a supplier defined for a product will allow using the 'Reorder stock' and 'Reorder backordered stock' functions to automatically create a purchase order for stock replenishment.
SupplierProductCode Product SKU provided by the Supplier specified in the LastSuppliedBy field. LastSuppliedBy field is required when SupplierProductCode is not empty.
SupplierProductName Product Name provided by the Supplier specified in the LastSuppliedBy field. LastSuppliedBy field is required when SupplierProductName is not empty.
SupplierFixedPrice Purchase price of the product provided by the Supplier in supplier currency. LastSuppliedBy field is required when SupplierFixedPrice is not empty.
PriceTier1 Product Tier 1 Sale Price in customer currency. 0 is assumed when no value is provided.
PriceTier2 Product Tier 2 Sale Price in customer currency. 0 is assumed when no value is provided.
PriceTier3 Product Tier 3 Sale Price in customer currency. 0 is assumed when no value is provided.
PriceTier4 Product Tier 4 Sale Price in customer currency. 0 is assumed when no value is provided.
PriceTier5 Product Tier 5 Sale Price in customer currency. 0 is assumed when no value is provided.
PriceTier6 Product Tier 6 Sale Price in customer currency. 0 is assumed when no value is provided.
PriceTier7 Product Tier 7 Sale Price in customer currency. 0 is assumed when no value is provided.
PriceTier8 Product Tier 8 Sale Price in customer currency. 0 is assumed when no value is provided.
PriceTier9 Product Tier 9 Sale Price in customer currency. 0 is assumed when no value is provided.
PriceTier10 Product Tier 10 Sale Price in customer currency. 0 is assumed when no value is provided.
AssemblyBOM Indicate if the product has an Assembly Bill of Materials. Valid values are True and FalseFalse is used when no value is provided.
AutoAssemble Indicate if the product can be auto-assembled when a sale order is authorised. Can be used for kits and unit conversion. Valid values are True and FalseFalse is used when no value is provided.
AutoDisassemble Indicate if the product can be auto-disassembled when a purchase invoice is authorised and stock is received. Can be used for unit conversion. Valid values are True and FalseFalse is used when no value is provided.
DropShip Product drop ship mode. Valid values are No Drop ShipOptional Drop Ship and Always Drop ShipNo Drop Ship is used when no value is provided. For drop ship to work, each drop ship product must have a linked supplier designated for drop shipping.
AverageCost Product Average Cost in base currency. Used to estimate Production costs for stock items, as well as to be used as the latest Purchase Price when LastSuppliedBy supplier is specified. Automatically recalculated by DEAR when on-hand quantity changes.
DefaultUnitOfMeasure Unit of measure the product is measured in. If not provided then Item is used as UOM.
InventoryAccount Inventory Control account code or name from the Chart of Accounts specific to this product. Only valid for Stock products. if not provided then for Purchases and Manufacturing an inventory control account defined on the Account Mapping page is used.
RevenueAccount Revenue account code or name from the Chart of Accounts specific to this product. If not provided then the Sales Account defined for the selected customer in the Sale Task is used.
ExpenseAccount Expense account code or name from the Chart of Accounts specific to this product. Only valid for Service products.
COGSAccount Cost of Goods Sold account code or name from the Chart of Accounts specific to this product. Only valid for Stock products. If not provided then the Cost of Goods Sold account defined on the Account Mapping page is used.
ProductAttributeSet Name of the attribute set describing a set of product additional attributes. Can be set up in the Additional Attributes reference book.
AdditionalAttribute1 Value of additional attribute 1 of the attribute set selected for the product. If the attribute set is not specified, the value of this field is ignored.
AdditionalAttribute2 Value of additional attribute 2 of the attribute set selected for the product. If the attribute set is not specified, the value of this field is ignored.
AdditionalAttribute3 Value of additional attribute 3 of the attribute set selected for the product. If the attribute set is not specified, the value of this field is ignored.
AdditionalAttribute4 Value of additional attribute 4 of the attribute set selected for the product. If the attribute set is not specified, the value of this field is ignored.
AdditionalAttribute5 Value of additional attribute 5 of the attribute set selected for the product. If the attribute set is not specified, the value of this field is ignored.
AdditionalAttribute6 Value of additional attribute 6 of the attribute set selected for the product. If the attribute set is not specified, the value of this field is ignored.
AdditionalAttribute7 Value of additional attribute 7 of the attribute set selected for the product. If the attribute set is not specified, the value of this field is ignored.
AdditionalAttribute8 Value of additional attribute 8 of the attribute set selected for the product. If the attribute set is not specified, the value of this field is ignored.
AdditionalAttribute9 Value of additional attribute 9 of the attribute set selected for the product. If the attribute set is not specified, the value of this field is ignored.
AdditionalAttribute10 Value of additional attribute 10 of the attribute set selected for the product. If the attribute set is not specified, the value of this field is ignored.
DiscountName Name of the discount rule assigned to the product. Discounts can be configured in the Discounts reference book.
ProductFamilySKU SKU of the product family the product belongs to. If not exists, Product Family will be created automatically.
ProductFamilyName Name of the product family the product belongs to. If not exists, Product Family will be created automatically. The existing family name will be updated.
ProductFamilyOption1Name Name of Option 1 (Size/Colour/etc.) of the product family specified in the ProductFamilySKU field. It will be updated with the new value for the existing family.
ProductFamilyOption1Value Value of Option 1 variation this product has for product family specified in ProductFamilySKU field.
ProductFamilyOption2Name Name of Option 2 (Size/Colour/etc.) of the product family specified in the ProductFamilySKU field. It will be updated with the new value for the existing family.
ProductFamilyOption2Value Value of Option 2 variation this product has for product family specified in ProductFamilySKU field.
ProductFamilyOption3Name Name of Option 3 (Size/Colour/etc.) of the product family specified in the ProductFamilySKU field. It will be updated with the new value for the existing family.
ProductFamilyOption3Value Value of Option 3 variation this product has for product family specified in ProductFamilySKU field.
CommaDelimitedTags Custom Tags classifying the product. Can be used for reporting and eCommerce management purposes.
StockLocator Coordinates of the product in your warehouse to help you find it faster.
PurchaseTaxRule Taxation Rule applied to the purchase invoice line by default for this product. Overrides the Supplier level Purchase tax rule.
SaleTaxRule Taxation Rule applied to the sale invoice line by default for this product. Overrides the Customer level Purchase tax rule.
Status Product Status. Valid values are Active and Deprecated. If empty then Active is assumed. Deprecated products are not visible in selection boxes and reporting.
Description A multiline full-text description to be used in documents and eCommerce listings. Supports HTML formatting.
InternalNote A multiline full-text description to be used as internal notes. Supports HTML formatting, limited up to 4K characters
WarrantySetupName Specifies the name of warranty for the product.
ProductionBOM Indicate if the product has an Production Bill of Materials. Valid values are True and FalseFalse is used when no value is provided.

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