Customer Field Descriptions for Importing Customers

This is a detail list of all the fields that can be imported into Dear Systems in relation to Customers and what they get used for by Dear Systems as well:

Required Fields
Each customer is identified by a unique name. A customer can be repeated on several lines with different contacts.
Name Customer name. Each customer must have a unique name.
Currency Customer currency. 3-character currency code.
PaymentTerm Customer payment term. Payment terms applied to all sales for this customer by default.
TaxRule Customer taxation rule. An active Tax rule applied for all sales for this customer by default. The product Sale Tax Rule will override this setting.
PriceTier Sale price tier. Price tier name used for all sales to the customer by default. Price Tier names can be viewed/changed on the General Settings page.

Optional Fields

You can fill in optional fields if you have them

Status Customer status. Valid values are Active and Deprecated. If empty then Active is assumed. Deprecated customers are not visible in selection boxes and reporting.
AccountReceivable Account receivable. Active account code or name from the chart of accounts to be used for transactions generated for all sales to this customer. Only special Account Receivable accounts are valid for this field. If left blank DEAR will automatically pick a valid Account Receivable account.
SaleAccount Revenue account. Active revenue class account code or name from the chart of accounts selected for all sales by default. The Default Revenue Account from Account Mapping will be used if left empty.
Discount Discount % applied to all lines in sales to the customer. A valid value is a 2 decimal places number in a range from 0 to 100. If left blank then the 0 value is assumed.
CreditLimit Credit limit applied to the customer sales on Order/Invoice authorisation in customer currency. If credit limit is 0, it is not applied to the customer. If left blank, then the 0 value is assumed.
Carrier Default carrier used to ship goods to the customer. Can be changed in any particular sale.
SalesRepresentative Default sales representative. The name of your company contact with the type 'Sales' selected as a sales representative for any new sale to this customer. Can be manually changed for any sale.
Location Default location selected for all new sales to the customer. Products will be picked from this location first. You can create the necessary locations in the Locations reference book.
TaxNumber Customer taxation number.
Tags Comma-separated tags classifying the customer.
AttributeSet Name of the attribute set describing a set of customer additional attributes. Can be set up in the Additional Attributes reference book.
AdditionalAttribute1 Value of additional attribute 1 of the attribute set selected for the customer. If the attribute set is not specified, the value of this field is ignored.
AdditionalAttribute2 Value of additional attribute 2 of the attribute set selected for the customer. If the attribute set is not specified, the value of this field is ignored.
AdditionalAttribute3 Value of additional attribute 3 of the attribute set selected for the customer. If the attribute set is not specified, the value of this field is ignored.
AdditionalAttribute4 Value of additional attribute 4 of the attribute set selected for the customer. If the attribute set is not specified, the value of this field is ignored.
AdditionalAttribute5 Value of additional attribute 5 of the attribute set selected for the customer. If the attribute set is not specified, the value of this field is ignored.
AdditionalAttribute6 Value of additional attribute 6 of the attribute set selected for the customer. If the attribute set is not specified, the value of this field is ignored.
AdditionalAttribute7 Value of additional attribute 7 of the attribute set selected for the customer. If the attribute set is not specified, the value of this field is ignored.
AdditionalAttribute8 Value of additional attribute 8 of the attribute set selected for the customer. If the attribute set is not specified, the value of this field is ignored.
AdditionalAttribute9 Value of additional attribute 9 of the attribute set selected for the customer. If the attribute set is not specified, the value of this field is ignored.
AdditionalAttribute10 Value of additional attribute 10 of the attribute set selected for the customer. If the attribute set is not specified, the value of this field is ignored.
Comments A multiline comment describing the customer. The value of this field is copied to the Notes area of every new sale when the customer is selected.
ContactName Customer contact name. If not specified, all customer contact-related fields must be blank. Contact names must be unique for any given customer.
Phone Customer contact phone number.
Fax Customer contact fax number.
Email Customer contact e-mail address. Multiple e-mail addresses cannot be specified in this field due to incompatibility with Xero / QuickBooks
Website Customer contact website URL.
ContactComment Additional comment describing customer contact.
ContactDefault Indicate if the customer contact must be used by default for all sales to the customer. Valid values are True and False.
ContactIncludeInEmail Indicate if the contact email should be added to the CC field when emailing documents from DEAR to the customer. Valid values are True and False.

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