Assembly BOM Field Descriptions for Importing

Required Fields

Each additional bill of materials is identified by an unique Product SKU.

ProductSKU Product SKU which BOM this line refers to.
ComponentSKU Component SKU identifying the product used as a component to manufacture the product specified in the ProductSKU field. Should be unique for the same ProductSKU value.
Quantity Quantity of the component in BOM.
Optional Fields
You can fill in an optional fields if you have them
Action Action column can have two possible values: Delete or Create/Update. If left blank, "Create/Update" is assumed.
ProductName Product Name which BOM this line refers to. This field is used for information purposes only.
ComponentName Name of the product identified ComponentSKU field. This field is used for information purposes only.
WastageQuantity_ForStockComponentOnly Additional wastage quantity of the component in BOM. WastageQuantity_ForStockComponentOnly and WastagePercent_ForStockComponentOnly fields are mutually exclusive.
WastagePercent_ForStockComponentOnly Additional wastage % of the component in BOM. WastageQuantity_ForStockComponentOnly and WastagePercent_ForStockComponentOnly fields are mutually exclusive.
CostPercentage_ForStockComponentOnly % of the cost allocated to this component when disassembling product specified in ProductSKU.
PriceTier_ForServiceComponentOnly Identifies a sale price tier of the service to use when calculating Labour and Overheads related to production (required for Service components).
ExpenseAccount_ForServiceComponentOnly Expense account code or name to use to generate transactions related to this Service component (required for Service components).

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