How to Pause, Change, Cancel and Resume your Deputy Account

Follow the below steps on how to pause, change, cancel and resume your subscription in Deputy.

How to Pause, Change and Cancel your subscription

Go to your profile and click the Organization you want to pause and click the "Billing" option.

Next, be sure to choose the "Plan" criteria and click then "Cancel your Deputy subscription" option.

Once clicked, there will be three (3) options to choose from to confirm your decision.

By choosing the "Pause Deputy", your subscription:

  • Won't be billed while your account is Paused 
  • You and your team will not be able to log into your Deputy account
  • Can Resume your subscription at any time, picking up right where you left off
  • All your data will be kept safe in Deputy

While the subscription is on Pause, you will still be able to access:

  • The News Feed including the new Video on News Feed option
  • Your People
  • Reports - including the new JobKeeper Report

By choosing the "Chat Now", you will be directed to the support team and be able to ask any questions.

By choosing the "Switch plan", you will be able to choose a plan which is applicable to your current operations.

If already decided, click the "Cancel anyway" option. 

It is highly recommended to fill out the reason for downgrade from the drop-down list and provide any feedback.

Click the "Yes, I want to downgrade" button to cancel the subscription.

Click the "No, I change my mind" button if you have not decided to push through the cancellation of the subscription.

How to Resume your subscription

Once you've Paused your subscription, you and your team will be able to access the News Feed, Reports and People within your Deputy account. All your data will be kept if you decide to Resume the subscription.

While Paused, both Administrators and employees will see below screen when attempting to log into your Deputy account. Note, only your Deputy Administrator(s) can see the "Reactivate subscription" option. 

When you are ready to Resume, simply click "Reactivate subscription" button and click "Resume plan" to restart your Deputy account. 

Subscription billing will resume on the month you have reactivated the account.

Get Help and Request Support

If you have any or further questions on how to pause, cancel, changed or resume the subscription, you can reach out to the Deputy Support by clicking this link.

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