Connecting Deputy to Xero

If you are using Xero for your business in Australia, New Zealand, or the United Kingdom, you can connect Deputy to your Xero account.

Before getting started, make sure to check the following:


  • Level of access is Location Manager or System Administrator 


  • Xero account to be connected is active
  • Level of access is Payroll Admin or higher
  • Configured your Xero payroll settings (click this link for more information)

Connecting your Xero account is made from Deputy's Location tab.

1. Go to the Locations tab and choose the applicable Location to be connected to the Xero account. Click the "Edit Settings"

2. Go to Payroll category and click the "Connect to Xero".

3. A pop-up window will appear and ask you to login to Xero, once done. choose the applicable Xero account to be connected to Deputy and click "Allow access"

4. Once done, you will be taken back to the Deputy and it will show connection was successful as shown below and click "Save"

It is highly recommended to turn off the 'Auto Sync Employee' if you are using the Awards library in Deputy.

If you need to connect all the locations listed in Deputy to the Xero account, just do the same process. 

While if you need to disconnect the Xero account due to other reason, just click the "Disconnect" followed by "Save" button.

Note: all images above are for example purposes only.

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