Account Summary Report

Account Summary Report

An Account Summary Report provides you with a summary of all the transactions for the selected period.

1. To view the Account Summary reports module, click the Reports button.

2. Click on Financial Reports > Account Summary Report

*Clicking the star next to the report name will add it to the ‘Favorites’ tab where frequently used reports sit for easy access. To remove a report from the Favorites list, simply click the star next to the report name again.

3. Start filtering the fields according to the report output you prefer and click Update to refresh the result with any new changes. 

4. The output displays the Account Balance per month of the reporting period while the Amount Total column displays the closing account balance for that month. Click  Show Transactions to click through to all transactions for that month for the selected account. 

*Data from this report can be exported in Excel, PDF or RTF format. 

5. Click Save or Publish to save a snapshot of the report and its settings where the data and date range cannot be changed.

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