
To subscribe to a paid subscription of DEAR, please do so before the trial end date.
When this surpasses, the file becomes Read-only access, and you will no longer be able to subscribe and pay.

Before subscribing, you need to make sure:

  • You are a paid user in the file
  • You decide on how many APIs, POS Connections, B2B portal connections and external integrations you need
  • You decide whether you want Billing to be monthly or on an annual basis (Annual subscriptions apply a discount of one month) 

To get started, navigate to the 'My Account' smiley face icon in the top right-hand corner and select 'My Subscription' and click 'Subscribe'.

Then you can choose the options for your account. 

Next, you will be taken through to a secure payment page to complete your subscription. After making payment you should receive a confirmation email 
and, in the case of monthly billing, a recurring billing agreement to authorise DEAR to take monthly payments from your account. If this is not signed, the
account will return to trial status after the paid month is completed. 

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