Archiving and Unarchiving Employees

If an employee is not anymore connected (either resigned or terminated) to the company, you can archive their account from the system. This is also applicable to employees with extended leave of absence (maternity or travel for a long period of time). 

This won't delete the employee, but it does prevent them from accessing the system and will retain their historical information such as past timesheets and schedules. If you need to you can also unarchive an archived employee profile.

Note: Before archiving an employee, you must remove them from any future scheduled shifts and either approve or discard any past timesheets.

Archiving Employees

After removing the employee from future schedules and resolving past timesheets, open the People page. Scroll down to the employee, then click "Options" on the right and click "Archive Employee".

Once done, the employee profile is now Archived.

Unarchiving Employees

To unarchive an employee, go to the People tab. Click "Filter" between the search bar and Also Show options. On "Status" choose Archived. Once clicked, the list of the archived employee will be shown.

Find the profile of the employee you want to be unarchived and click the "Options" and click the "Unarchived".

Once clicked the "Unarchived", a pop-up window will appear to confirm the action. Update the employee email address if needed, once done, click "Unarchived".

Bulk Archiving Employees

Select the employees you would like to archive by ticking the box alongside to their name.

Next, click the "Bulk Actions" dropdown box and select "Archive Employee".

Once clicked, a pop-up window will appear to confirm the action. Once checked, click "Archive Employees".

Bulk Unarchiving Employees

To unarchive employee, go to the People tab. Click "Filter" between search bar and Also Show options. On "Status" choose Archived. Once clicked, the list of the archived employee will be shown.

Select the employees you would like to archive by ticking the box alongside to their name.

Next, click the "Bulk Actions" dropdown box and select "Unarchive Employee".

Note: The above images are for examples purposes only.

If you need further assistance, contact the Deputy support thru link.

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