Viewing and Editing Employee Details

To view and edit employee's details in Deputy you'll need to have either System Administrator rights or Location Manager access. If staff are employees only they will not be able to access this area. 

How to edit employee's details

To edit an employee, open the People page. You can then navigate to the employee's profile by either clicking on the employee > 'Edit Profile' or click on 'Options' > 'Edit'. 

This will bring up the employee profile. To update, click the applicable category on the right side and enter the information

General - you can update the first name, last name, assigned location, email address and mobile number of the employee

Job Information - you can update the access level, stress profile and add training attended by the employee

Profile Photo - you can upload a profile photo of the employee. Once they are invited to the system, they can upload their own desired photo

Contact - you can update the full address and emergency contact details of the employee

Employee Details - this is only accessible by the system administrator. You can update the pay details and leave entitlements of the employee

Other - you can update the date of birth and hire date of the employee

HR Forms - you can upload documents related to the employee. Onboard Employee option is also available

Once finalised and done, click Save.

Limits on details to change

Once an employee has accepted their invitation to Deputy, they can update their email address and mobile number.

While this may seem inconvenient for managers and administrators, it's an unavoidable consequence of Deputy’s ongoing commitment to the highest level of security. After all, Deputy is more than just a networking and communication tool. Deputy is critical to the operation of a business and contains sensitive data of both the business and employees. As a result, Deputy's approach to security has the same rigour as an accounting or internet banking platform.

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