Deputy Employee Setup - Self Onboardment Tool


Although there are various options in getting a new employee registered in Deputy, Deputy's new Self Onboarding module can streamline the setup stage of adding employee's into your file. 

This process assists with multiple onboadments and gives employees' the ability to onboard from anywhere, quickly and better yet, paper free. All data is protected with end-to-end, bank grade encryption. Keeping your employees' sensitive information safe and secure and helps alleviate their induction time to help get them on the job sooner.

Initial Setup

Your first step for Employee Onboardment is to head to the people tab in Deputy, select the Add People drop down and click on 'Onboard Employee'. 

From here you can initiate the onboarding process by entering the new employee’s name, email, mobile, and selecting your business’s default Superannuation provider. Once complete, select the Onboard now button and the employee will receive an SMS  and email to get started. 

Deputy provides both SMS and email invite option to give your new employee every opportunity to complete the forms quickly and easily. Deputy also allows newly invited employees to be roster immediately prior to the employee finishing the onboardment process. 

The email and SMS invites contain a unique link to the employees’ onboarding profile, and from this profile they will need to complete all 5 required forms; Personal Details, Bank Details, TFN Declaration, Emergency Contact and Superannuation. Within the Superannuation form the employee will have also have the opportunity to advise of the superannuation choice, either Superfund nominated by employer, self nominated Superfund or their own SMSF. Employee Super Choice

Deputy is optimised for mobile and desktop, allowing the form completion a breeze and should take no more than 5-10 minutes. Deputy have also integrated helpful pointers during the onboardment to assist with form completions. 

Deputy has designed the wording and format to ensure the online forms meet the Australian government standards. For acceptance and storage purposes, the action of ticking the confirmation box when completing the digital TFN Declaration form is also considered equivalent to a written signature and meets the requirements set by ATO.

Status of HR Forms

There is no problem with employees not finishing the process in one go. The invite link is unique for each employee and will not expire. When ready to continue they can re-click and pick up where they left off. To follow the onboardment status deputy has built a status bar. The status bar is found within the employee's Deputy profile, under HR Forms View and edit employee profile. You can also help them remember you are still waiting on the forms by resending the link.

Once the employee has completed the forms, their details will be saved to their Deputy profile and you’ll be notified when this happens. 

To confirm or request changes as a manager you will be able to view the completion status of your employees form submission, simply click their name in the 'People' Tab and click the 'HR Forms' Tab. Here, you will see what step of the onboarding journey they are on. You can view all forms, request changes and if integrated into Xero sync to payroll. 

Invite User to Deputy

The onboarding tool only gathers personal details. The finance officer will still be required to complete certain tasks. However, using this method allows the onboadment to be completed days or even weeks before the employee starts and allows you to start adding them instantly to the schedule. When closer to the start date you can then trigger the employees' access by sending the invite. 

HR Forms for existing users

Another helpful point is that existing Deputy users in your business may also use this function. Onboarding existing users is an easy way to create digital records and have them stored securely to help replace the need for paper copies. To onboard an existing Deputy user, head to their profile and find the Onboard Employee link in the personal details tab.

For Xero users your next step will be integrating this information into Xero - Deputy and Xero sync

Deputy's newly released Self Employee Onboarding module provides you with a simple, paperless experience for onboarding all your new employees. As always, if you have any questions relating to Deputy or any other software solution do not hesitate to get in contact with our support team. 

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