How to Submit Items by Email

How to Submit Items by Email

Email-in is the easiest way to submit digital documents to Receipt Bank. Whenever you send a receipt or invoice to your Email-in address, it will automatically be extracted and added to the Inbox.

Receipts, Invoices or other documents can be either:

  •          contained in the body of the email, or
  •          attached to the email

In either of these cases, Receipt Bank will detect the document, extract it and present it in the Inbox.

You can submit invoices or receipts of the following file types: JPG, PNG, GIF, PDF, BMP, TIFF, .zip files with images, DOC, DOCX, ODT, and RTF.

1.       Submitting single documents 

2.       Submitting multiple documents

3.       Submitting a single PDF with multiple items

Submitting single documents

Forward any email containing your paperwork to your personal '' address.

Every Receipt Bank user has a unique, personalised, ‘’ address. An Email-in Address is established when you first create your Receipt bank account. You’ll be given the chance to specify an address (as long as it ends in If you don’t create an Email-in address, we’ll automatically make one using your name and the name of your business.

You can view your Email-in address by clicking the green ‘Add Documents' button and in the Costs tab your email address can be found.

You can change your Email-in Address from the ‘My Details’ tab of the  'Manage' and 'My Profile' menu.

If you regularly receive receipts or invoices from suppliers through email, consider setting up an email forwarding rule. This means that documents will be automatically sent to Receipt Bank without you having to spend any time processing them.

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