Pay bills - Classic batch payment

Pay multiple bills - Classic Batch Payment

How it works

  • Combine bills from the same supplier to make a single payment. Bills display separately in Xero, but are combined in the payment file, so your supplier receives a single payment and reference.
  • Payments can only be made in the currency that’s set up for your organisation.
  • Record a historical payment by creating a payment file and selecting a past date.

Before you begin

  • Check that your bank account is set up correctly in Xero. 
  • You need the standard, adviser, or invoice only user role to make a payment.

Classic Batch payment method

  1. Within the Business tab, select Purchases overview.
  2. Under Bills, click Awaiting Payment.
  3. Select the checkboxes of the bills you want to pay.
  4. Click Batch Payment.

There are now two ways of creating batch payments the original method or alternatively the new updated method. Please note currently only a small selected number of users have access to the new batch payment method. 

If you see the pop up below when you click Batch Payment then you’ll need to follow the classic batch payments instructions.

Confirmation pop up with Ok button.

If you see the pop up below when you click Batch Payment then you’ll need to follow the new batch payments instructions New batch payment.

Confirmation pop up with Pay 2 bills button.

Pay bills with classic batch payments

  1. Click OK to confirm.
  2. Complete payment details or click into a field to edit it, then click Make Payments. You need the bank account admin user permission to edit supplier bank account details.
  3. Click Export Batch File to download the file or Send Remittance to email remittance advice so your supplier can see individual reference numbers for bills paid.

If there's a bill in your batch with incomplete information, you'll get a message showing the payment line errors when you try to export the file. You'll need to edit your batch before exporting the file.

You don't need to export a batch payment file if you enabled automatic bill payments while setting up a direct feed online for Tyro Payments. Xero automatically uploads these files to your bank account when you enable bill payments.

Fully paid bills are marked as paid and moved to the Paid tab. If the payment was made from a bank account, the transaction shows in the account's transaction list.

Import the file into your bank account

  1. From your downloads folder on your computer, upload the file into your online banking.
  2. If you're asked to process the batch as a single statement line or multiple statement lines, choose the single statement line.

If you import the saved batch file into your bank account, it's important not to change the file format or the data in the file.

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