Amending Rates for Partial Public Holiday

Amending Rates for Partial Day Public Holiday

The following article will provide guidance on how to amend timesheets for partial day public holidays. Before proceeding, the affected timesheets must be approved first.

Once timesheets are approved, Deputy will automatically represent each of the rates and penalties applicable as pay elements, these can be seen in the "Pay Rates" section of the Timesheet Summary. You have the ability change these pay elements allowing you to remove ordinary time and add public holiday hours/penalties.

To do this, navigate to the approve timesheets page and select an already approved timesheet, you will see two buttons above the shift location map/kiosk photo:

  1. Unapprove Time
  2. Unapprove Pay

To edit the pay rates applied on the the timesheet click Unapprove Pay which will change the timesheet into an editable state.

Clicking on the name of the pay elements will allow you to change the selected rule to any other rule that exists on the employee's employment term.

From here you will need to reduce the ordinary time to finish when the public holiday begins. For example if the affected timesheet is for Christmas Eve in Queensland, you would adjust the ordinary time to apply up to 6pm.

You will then need to click the + button next to the base pay elements to fill the portion of the day which falls within the public holiday. Public Holiday pay can be identified by selecting the relevant award with PH at the end of the award name.

Deputy will reconcile the pay elements to indicate whether the sum of the elements matches the total hours of the timesheet, if this does not match, you will see an indication of the surplus or shortage of hours that are payable.

Once you have made the desired changes, click approve pay and this will save the pay elements to the timesheet so that you can export the timesheets.

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