Manage Public Holdiays

Managing Public Holidays In Deputy

Public Holidays in Deputy are used to pay your employees their public holiday rate. Making a day a Public Holiday will apply their PH rates instead of their weekday or weekend rate.

To create a public holiday in Deputy you must be either a Location Manager or System Administrator.

If a day is marked as a Public Holiday, it will be marked as such for all of your locations. If you need to split them into different locations or areas please reach out to us so we can create this for you. 

If a day is marked as a Public Holiday, it will be marked as such for all of your locations. If you need to split them into different locations or areas, follow our instructions here.

Keep in Mind

If you have already approved timesheets before marking the PH, the regular rates have been applied rather than your PH rates. To apply PH rates you will need to unapproved the timesheets then approve them again. This is the standard practice for any changes in Deputy. You will always need to unapproved and approve again to apply any changes. 

Setting A Public Holiday

First, go to the Schedule tab. Next, navigate to the day you would like to mark as a public holiday and click the dropdown button. You will see the Public Holiday option displayed. Click it to mark the day as a Public Holiday. You can remove the PH by clicking it again. You can also enter a short description if you would like. 

After marking a day as a Public Holiday you'll see the day marked in red.

Any schedule and timesheet on this day will now be treated as a Public Holiday. Your next step will be to continue with your normal process of approving and exporting to your relevant payroll package. 

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